Making the cpan shell to use http mirrors instead of ftp

In some network ftp port is blocked.This prevents the installation on cpan modules as cpan uses ftp mirrors by default.
This Procedure makes the perl shell to use http mirrors for installation of perl modules.
Go to perl cpamn shell:

#perl -MCPAN -e shell

Get the list of the current urls that cpan shell uses to get modules.

cpan> o conf urllist
0 []

Type 'o conf' to view all configuration items

Add http url, url list is available @

cpan> o conf urllist push

Check if the new URL is added:

cpan> o conf urllist

Save the changes:

cpan> o conf commit

cpan> exit

Now enjoy installing perl modules :D


Sameer Nafdey said…
Thanks a lot, you saved my time. I also did learned using

o conf urllist pop

to remove default ftp mirrors which were creating problems.

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